The GEMS Website

Gem Stones and Jewellery - rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, amethysts, amethists, garnets (243 bytes)Gem Stones and Jewellery from Cambodia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Brazil, Kenya (247 bytes)amethysts (276 bytes)aquamarines (288 bytes)emeralds (269 bytes)garnets (256 bytes)rubies (254 bytes)sapphires (271 bytes)topaz (247 bytes)Gem Stones and Jewellery - rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, amethysts, amethists, garnets  (257 bytes)


sapphire (19861 bytes) saphire (17211 bytes) sapphire (15446 bytes) sapphire (12431 bytes)
Ceylon Sapphire - Oval - 2.47 Ct/Wt
saphire (10354 bytes) sapphire (22497 bytes) sapphire (34760 bytes) saphire (29138 bytes)
sapphires (110882 bytes) saphires (107213 bytes) sapphire (157827 bytes) sapphires (106907 bytes)
saphire (88691 bytes) sapphires (41067 bytes) saphire (14838 bytes) saphires (60553 bytes)
sapphires (78450 bytes)     sapphires (24958 bytes)


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Last modified: 01/06/08