The GEMS Website

Gem Stones and Jewellery - rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, amethysts, amethists, garnets (243 bytes)Gem Stones and Jewellery from Cambodia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Brazil, Kenya (247 bytes)amethysts (276 bytes)aquamarines (288 bytes)emeralds (269 bytes)garnets (256 bytes)rubies (254 bytes)sapphires (271 bytes)topaz (247 bytes)Gem Stones and Jewellery - rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, amethysts, amethists, garnets  (257 bytes)

About The Gems

The gem stones you see on this website were collected by my grandfather and me starting in 1925 and continuing until today.

Many of the stones were purchased close to the mine sites such as in Palin and Battambang in northwest Cambodia. The gem stones are primarily from Cambodia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Brazil and Kenya and include rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, topaz, amethysts and garnets.

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Last modified: 01/06/08